a stake to the heart造句


  1. A stake to the heart will destroy any vampire, as will a beheading.
  2. He is severely weakened by sunlight, losing most of his Vampire powers, and he can be killed by silver, decapitation and a stake to the heart.
  3. Like all vampires, she is vulnerable to holy items and sunlight, can be killed by decapitation or a stake to the heart, and cannot enter the home of a living human without first being invited by someone who lives there.
  4. From the realistic martial arts moves of Buffy to the disintegrating vampires and the dialogue with the " Scooby " gang, this title feels like it was ripped right from Tuesday-night TV . During fights with vampires, Buffy dishes out humorous one-liners as easily as a stake to the heart.
  5. It's difficult to find a stake to the heart in a sentence. 用a stake to the heart造句挺难的


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